August 2018

August 7, 2018

Causes and effects of women on negotiation table in times of conflict

In 2018 we are still witnessing gender inequality when it comes to women in power. We see government have more male leaders than women and we see more males CEO’s compared to females. But how can this be? Women in power can often mean less conflict and more fair negotiation between multiple parties. According to an article in The Guardian, women have a positive and significant impact in times of conflict and assist to creating peace, as the probability of […]
August 2, 2018

Shattering the glass ceiling one-step at a time

As we acknowledge the achievements of women throughout the world, the number of countries that have had a female leader continues to expand, but the list is still relatively short. Since then, it has become more common and acceptable for women to be elected as the leaders of their nations. Today, there are 25 women currently serving. The list includes female presidents who are head of state and may also be head of government including Governors-General, as well as female […]