July 2018

July 26, 2018

Hundreds of Bosnians mourn mother of Srebrenica

Hundreds of people attended a funeral on Wednesday to bid farewell to Hatidza Mehmedovic, a central figure in the struggle to remember the victims of the 1995 massacre of Bosnians in Srebrenica. Hatidza Mehmedovic, President of the Mothers of Srebrenica” Association, passed away on Sunday at the age of 65. As the Head of the association, Mehmedovic was a vocal activist who raised awareness for the Srebrenica genocide, often referred to as the worst crime committed on European soil since […]
July 24, 2018

Margaret Hamilton, the woman who landed Man on the Moon

It is thanks to a woman that Man was able to walk on the Moon. Long unknown, Margaret Hamilton was the source leading to the success of the Apollo 11 mission, but also to the development of computer software. Without her, Neil Amstrong and Buzz Aldrin probably would not have walked on the moon. Her name remained unknown for a long time; however, the United States government rewarded Margaret Hamilton for her services 47 years later. By helping to develop […]
July 22, 2018

2018 Global Slavery Index

Depriving someone of their freedom is a terrible violation. Modern slavery is a destructive, personal crime and an abuse of human rights. It is a widespread and profitable criminal industry but despite this it is largely invisible, in part because it disproportionately affects the most marginalised. This is why measuring this problem is so crucial in exposing and ultimately resolving it. The information contained within the Global Slavery Index is critical in these efforts. The 2018 Global Slavery Index measures […]