January 2019

January 24, 2019

A brief overview of gender gaps in social protection, access to public services and sustainable infrastructure

The United Nations Commission of Status of Women (CSW) has declared the theme for its 63rd meeting in March 2019 as “Social Protection, access to public services and sustainable infrastructure and empowerment of women and girls.’’ Social Protection being the human right stipulated under Article 22 in Universal Declaration of Human Rights , is one of the global priorities relating directly to the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, Goal 1- Poverty Reduction. The inclusion of gender sensitivity and equality in Social […]
January 18, 2019

Women leadership for mitigating climate change impacts

Impacts on women As the recent publication on Science on January 11 reaffirms the accelerating pace of climate change evidenced by increased ocean warming1, it has been an alarm to world leaders and organizations to evaluate our efforts to its mitigation and impact prevention. Along with this, the exacerbating impacts among the vulnerable populations of world have also been apparent. Women constituting 50% of the world population fall definitely into this group, as the existing inequalities and labor division in […]
January 13, 2019

Global female icons of 2018

From #Metoo and #TimesUp movement to women breaking the ceilings and winning big in politics, the year 2018, was a significantly eventful year in the field of women leadership and gender equality all across the world. While we witnessed the world without women for a day in Spain, we also celebrated the first world leader taking maternity leave and women winning leaderships in major organizations and businesses. As 2019 proceeds, we must not forget to acknowledge these powerful women icons […]