April 2019

April 27, 2019

Climate warrior: Greta Thunberg

As 8-year-old Greta learned about climate change reduction through recycling of wastage and plastic alternatives, she was surprised to learn about human’s ability to change the climate conditions of the earth. Sharing in the TED talk in Stockholm in January, she explained how deeply affected she was when she got to learn about deteriorating climate conditions and continuity of human’s choices to further deteriorate it. She could not comprehend that people, despite being aware of the climate crisis, managed to […]
April 21, 2019

Women-led revolution overthrows fundamentalist president in Sudan

The month of April in 2019 has been historically remarkable for Sudan as they overthrew longtime president Omar-al-Bashir from power. The military took over the country’s ruling system as a result of elongated protests by the Sudanese. As the Defense Minister Awad Mohamed Ahmed Ibn Auf announced Al-Bashir being taken into military custody as per the indiction by International Criminal Court on the charges of committing genocides and crimes against humanity, the country lauded with victory; the victory which was […]
April 13, 2019

Role of women in compassionate leadership and peacebuilding

Compassion and resolution make a perfect leader and the kinds that the world needs right now. This was demonstrated excellently by New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern while leading the country after one of the historically worst moments of terror- the Christchurch attack. While the world mourned for the gruesome death of over 50 people, it also parallelly praised her for standing up with so much compassion and power. Her speeches and words to condemn the attacker declaring him nameless, […]