Board of Directors

July 28, 2017

Women in Leadership in the Pacific Region

The women of the Pacific region are amongst the most discriminated against in the world. I am talking about the 14 tiny island states that dot the Pacific Ocean…islands such as Fiji, Samoa, Nauru, Tuvalu, Kiribati etc. The women of these nations suffer shockingly high domestic violence and maternal death rates, do most of the work for a fraction of the male wage and have virtually no representation in public office. Just under 3% of all elected leaders in the […]
July 21, 2017

TEDxMICA talk with our vice-president Ranjana Kumari – The Society of the Future

Ranjana Kumari has always been a spokesperson for women’s rights. Today she goes beyond that, by questioning the gender binary that exists today and how it holds society back. Equal rights are not just needed for men and women, but humanity as a whole. A renowned social activist and a prolific academician, Dr. Ranjana Kumari is the Director of Centre for Social Research as well as Chairperson of Women Power Connect. She has dedicated her life to empowering women across […]
June 22, 2017

Women are a Force for Change: Turning the Tide Towards Parity

Central to our mission at Women’s Network for Change (hereafter ‘WNC’) is to defend and uphold the hard-earned values of the equality movement while, importantly, fostering the necessary steps towards realizing gender equality in our lifetime, and securing its possibility for generations to come. What sets WNC’s efforts apart is our commitment to promoting parity through praxis. In all our efforts, we strive to promote women’s empowerment with the understanding that gender equality must be earned in, and through, historical […]
November 24, 2016

The Shocking Reality of Child Marriage in India

By Dr. Ranjana Kumari Recently, I came across an analysis by IndiaSpend of the recently released 2011 census data, and was appalled to see some of the hard hitting facts laid bare. The report stated that nearly 12 million Indian children were married before the age of 10 years–84% of them Hindu and 11% Muslim. many of 7.84 million (65%) married children were female, reinforcing the fact that girls are significantly more disadvantaged; eight in 10 illiterate children who were […]
April 29, 2016

Why it is necessary to fight extremism and encourage the empowerment of women in this struggle?

The recent terrorist attacks by Islamic fundamentalists in Paris and Brussels, but also in Turkey, Kenya, Tunisia, Pakistan, Nigeria and Yemen, show us that we are facing a global threat that needs to be combated with measures affecting different aspects in which this terrorism is based. In some cases, the military response can be useful and even necessary, but even when this response is chosen, it is necessary to address the causes of this terrorism and try to fight them […]
November 28, 2015

Maldives Deputy Minister of Law and Gender calls to end VAW

A message from one of our members, Nadira Aminath, Deputy Minister at Ministry of Law and Gender, Maldives. Yes Together we can prevent and Eliminate Gender based Violence, violence against Women and children. Going Orange for International Day for Elimination of Violence against Women
July 15, 2015

Jalal Foundation promotes rights of women

We condemned with strongest indignation the increasing incidents of public executions, beheadings, murders, rapes, beatings, and other forms of violence against Afghan women through holding demonstrations, human rights chains and organizing gatherings to protest on 17 July 2015 in Kabul.  More specifically, we hold the Taliban responsible for the many incidents of poisoning that victimized 2,000 school girls in various parts of the country since last year.  This is a clear criminal act which betrays how much the Taliban and […]