Women’s Network for Change

May 20, 2024

Championing Change: Supporting the Journey of Iranian Women

In a compelling meeting titled “Championing Change: Supporting the Journey of Iranian Women,” Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), human rights activists, and representatives of various European women’s and youth associations gathered to discuss the pressing issue of women’s rights in Iran, one year after the vast protests that swept the streets of Iran, with women at the forefront. The event, held on April 9, 2024, was a significant platform for addressing the challenges faced by Iranian women under a […]
August 7, 2018

Causes and effects of women on negotiation table in times of conflict

In 2018 we are still witnessing gender inequality when it comes to women in power. We see government have more male leaders than women and we see more males CEO’s compared to females. But how can this be? Women in power can often mean less conflict and more fair negotiation between multiple parties. According to an article in The Guardian, women have a positive and significant impact in times of conflict and assist to creating peace, as the probability of […]
March 21, 2018

WNC Board Meeting: Commemorating International Women’s Day

On February 17th, 2018, dozens of dedicated members of our growing international network convened in Paris, France, to discuss areas of strategic focus for the year ahead. The session opened with an address by WNC’s distinguished Vice-President, Dr. Ranjana Kumari, Director of the Centre for Social Research in Delhi and Chairperson of Women Power Connect, a national level organization of women’s groups in India. Before opening the floor to the exchange of ideas on pressing social, economic and political issues, […]
March 14, 2018

What it Means to be a Rural Woman

  The rural sectors of the world are some of the most hidden places; but the women who live there are even more invisible. Rural women lack opportunities and rights, rendering them silent, especially those within rural areas of large cities. Forty-three per cent of the agricultural workforce across the world is made up of women, yet they lack the same access to tools, credit, agricultural materials, and chains of high-value crops that men have, according to the United Nations […]
November 4, 2017

Global Gender Gap 2017

The Global Gender Gap Index ranks 144 countries on the gap between women and men on health, education, economic and political indicators. It aims to understand whether countries are distributing their resources and opportunities equitably between women and men, irrespective of their overall income levels. The report measures the size of the gender inequality gap in four areas: Economic participation and opportunity – salaries, participation and leadership Education – access to basic and higher levels of education Political empowerment – […]