human rights

May 20, 2024

Championing Change: Supporting the Journey of Iranian Women

In a compelling meeting titled “Championing Change: Supporting the Journey of Iranian Women,” Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), human rights activists, and representatives of various European women’s and youth associations gathered to discuss the pressing issue of women’s rights in Iran, one year after the vast protests that swept the streets of Iran, with women at the forefront. The event, held on April 9, 2024, was a significant platform for addressing the challenges faced by Iranian women under a […]
January 16, 2022

Angela Merkel and her legacy

Angela Dorothea Merkel was born in 1954 in Hamburg, West Germany.  Brought up in a politically active family, Merkel’s inclination towards politics, especially Marxism-Leninism was developed from an early age when she joined Free German Youth (FDJ), the official communist youth movement, which was advantageous for getting admissions for higher education. Academically, she earned a Ph.D. in Quantum Chemistry in 1986. Often referred to as the ‘Iron Lady’ or ‘the Iron Frau’, her contributions in modern politics have been unparalleled. […]
July 26, 2018

Hundreds of Bosnians mourn mother of Srebrenica

Hundreds of people attended a funeral on Wednesday to bid farewell to Hatidza Mehmedovic, a central figure in the struggle to remember the victims of the 1995 massacre of Bosnians in Srebrenica. Hatidza Mehmedovic, President of the Mothers of Srebrenica” Association, passed away on Sunday at the age of 65. As the Head of the association, Mehmedovic was a vocal activist who raised awareness for the Srebrenica genocide, often referred to as the worst crime committed on European soil since […]
January 22, 2018

Women of Iran Protests: A Call For International Solidarity

With the recent surge of protests across Iran, many political observers were left bewildered, both by the timing and the nature of the grievances expressed throughout the country. Others, with ears closer to the ground, were quick to point out their mistake: Iran-watchers have long looked to Tehran’s cosmopolitan elite while neglecting concern for the country’s expansive working-class. Indeed, popular dissent first broke out in the city of Mashhad, Iran’s second most populous city, before spreading to places like Arak, […]
July 24, 2017

WNC’s Inaugural Meeting: ‘Turning the Tide Towards Parity’

On July 1st 2017, several inspiring members of our burgeoning international network convened in Paris, France for an inaugural meeting. The session opened with an address by one of WNC’s distinguished and trailblazing founders, Dr. Rita Süssmuth, former head of the German Bundestag. Dr. Süssmuth spent some time greeting our members and guests before launching into a timely discussion about the role of women’s leadership at this important juncture in history. Reflecting on the present predicament facing many European, Middle […]