Women’s News

March 10, 2021

Women lead the Farmers’ Protest in India

The capital and its neighboring regions of India are fevering with farmers-led protests as winter plummeted and COVID-19 rose high. The protests have been going on since November 26, 2020. Started after the Modi-led government enacted three new farm laws, the protest has not come to any direction towards a conclusion, rather has garnered global attention with support from the widespread Indian diaspora.    The three laws enacted were the Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act, 2020; […]
January 31, 2021

About Shakuntala Devi – the human computer

In an age where traditional gender stereotypes still reign and limit women from achieving positions in leadership and technological sectors, many women in the past have successfully broken the barrier and proved the otherwise paving path for newer generations of women to shine. Shakuntala Devi, born in November 1929 in Karnataka, India is one of the powerful women known for her mathematical skills. Popularly known as the ‘Human Computer’, Devi had a mysteriously unknown ability to perform highly complicated calculations […]
December 4, 2020

Orange the world: Fund, Respond, Prevent, Collect!

The 16 days of activism for Gender-based violence, celebrated each year from 25th November (International Day Against Violence Against Women) to 10th December (International Human Rights Day), is going on with the theme Orange the World: Fund, Respond, Prevent, Collect!” in 2020.    The year 2020 was rather an unfortunate year for the women around the world, as the shadow pandemic of gender-based violence spiked up alongside the global health pandemic of COVID 2020. As the world retreated inside homes […]
November 29, 2020

Nobel Prize for Chemistry 2020 goes to women-duo professors for genome editing

For the first time in 119 years of history, the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 2020 was won jointly by women team, the US and French professors for genome editing. French microbiologist Professor Emmanuelle Charpentier and American biochemist Professor Jennifer Doudna from University of California, Berkeley together received the prize on October 2020, for their method of editing genes through CRISPR-Cas9 technique. The technique, as per the laureate duo, can be used to change animal, plant and microorganism DNA. The […]
October 12, 2020

A historical timeline to Beijing+25

Twenty-five years ago, in 1995, 17,000 participants, 6,000 government delegates, 4,000 accredited NGO representatives, and around 4,000 media representatives came together at Fourth World Conference on Women. The conference held in Beijing came to become the largest gathering for gender equality advocacy in history. In the conference, 189 UN member states unanimously adopted the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPFA), where the countries committed to taking action for women’s rights and development in 12 key areas. The BPFA to date serves […]
September 27, 2020

Education Amidst the Pandemic: Fighting to Protect Students from COVID-19

When the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic back in March, various government bodies immediately implemented measures within their jurisdictions in an attempt to curb the quickly rising infection rates. Due to the rapid spread and great severity of the novel coronavirus, however, these measures included strict social distancing regulations, community curfews and quarantines, and in badly-hit areas, even complete lockdowns. Sadly, the seemingly omnipresent threat of the pandemic as well as the lockdowns implemented have greatly affected […]
September 25, 2020

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg: her legacy remains  

“My mother told me to be a lady. And for her, that meant be your own person, be independent.” “When I’m sometimes asked ‘When will there be enough (women on the Supreme Court)?’ and my answer is: ‘When there are nine.’ People are shocked. But there’d been nine men, and nobody’s ever raised a question about that.” These powerful lines were echoed across the world last week, on September 18, as the one who spoke it, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, […]
September 7, 2020

US celebrates 100th anniversary of women suffrage

On August 18, 1920, the United States of America celebrated the 100th years of the 19th Amendment, the words where “the right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged … on account of sex” were added to the US Constitution.    The day marked a century of a historical victory that led to women being able to vote in the US. The day, however, signified much more than just being able to make […]
August 25, 2020

New Zealand unanimously passes the Equal Pay Amendment Bill

Another exemplary move by the New Zealand government on ensuring gender-equality- Equal Pay Amendment Bill got passed with unanimous support in July 2020. The passing of the Bill has cleared the pathway for workers in female-dominated professions to claim equal pay. Statistics of New Zealand (StatsNz) announced the gender pay gap of 9.3 percent in New Zealand in August 2019. Although the pay gap is consistently reducing each year in the last decade, with a 16.3 percent reduction since 1998, […]
August 19, 2020

Belarus Protests 2020: Women are the face of change in Belarus

Streets of Minsk, Belarus was taken up by thousands of protesters in what is claimed to be the largest demonstration ever in the history of Belarus, where approximately 200,000 demonstrated against the widely disputed re-election of President Alexander Lukashenko on Sunday, August 9, 2020. Lukashenko, often referred to as ‘Europe’s last dictator,’ has been running the office since 1994 and further claimed to a ‘sixth-term’ with a landslide victory with 80% of the vote in the election. Opponents immediately claimed […]