
May 11, 2019

An overview of Gender gaps in labor market

International Labour day (also called International Workers’ day or May Day) was celebrated on the first of May worldwide. Considered as one of the biggest celebrations of the year, the day is celebrated to mark the Haymarket affair that occurred in Chicago in 1886 on the first of May, where the strike for 8-hours work per day was started. This year, the May Day was celebrated with the theme “Sustainable Pension for all: Role of Social Partners.” Analyzing the labor […]
April 27, 2019

Climate warrior: Greta Thunberg

As 8-year-old Greta learned about climate change reduction through recycling of wastage and plastic alternatives, she was surprised to learn about human’s ability to change the climate conditions of the earth. Sharing in the TED talk in Stockholm in January, she explained how deeply affected she was when she got to learn about deteriorating climate conditions and continuity of human’s choices to further deteriorate it. She could not comprehend that people, despite being aware of the climate crisis, managed to […]
April 21, 2019

Women-led revolution overthrows fundamentalist president in Sudan

The month of April in 2019 has been historically remarkable for Sudan as they overthrew longtime president Omar-al-Bashir from power. The military took over the country’s ruling system as a result of elongated protests by the Sudanese. As the Defense Minister Awad Mohamed Ahmed Ibn Auf announced Al-Bashir being taken into military custody as per the indiction by International Criminal Court on the charges of committing genocides and crimes against humanity, the country lauded with victory; the victory which was […]
April 13, 2019

Role of women in compassionate leadership and peacebuilding

Compassion and resolution make a perfect leader and the kinds that the world needs right now. This was demonstrated excellently by New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern while leading the country after one of the historically worst moments of terror- the Christchurch attack. While the world mourned for the gruesome death of over 50 people, it also parallelly praised her for standing up with so much compassion and power. Her speeches and words to condemn the attacker declaring him nameless, […]
March 3, 2019

Commission on the Status of Women and its upcoming 63rd session

The 63rd session of CSW is just around the corner, scheduled on 11-22 March to be held in United Nations Headquarters in New York. The 63rd session of CSW is just around the corner, scheduled on 11-22 March to be held in United Nations Headquarters in New York. Social protection systems, access to public services and sustainable infrastructure for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls is the priority theme for this week, whereas, the review theme is […]
February 24, 2019

Women power against the rape culture in Sierra Leone

The rape culture A girl aged 5 was raped by a 26-year-old relative leaving the victim paralyzed by the waist in Sierra Leone last year. In a similar incident last year where a 6-year-old was raped by a 56-year-old, the rapist was sentenced with just a year of prison. These were just a couple of the 2 579 cases of sexual violence involving minors in 2018 in Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone has witnessed the rate of sexual violence doubled up […]
February 15, 2019

Revisited inspiration: Story of Joan of Arc

Revisited inspiration: Story of Joan of Arc History has often placed women at a subordinated level than men; however, there are many women figures who have dared to rise from their ascribed level and inspired millions until date. For this week’s dose of inspiration, we would like to share the historically miraculous story of France’s loved saint, Joan of Arc (Jeane d’Arc) who, through her ‘visions’ of three saints led France to victory during the hundred days of war. Her […]
February 9, 2019

Gender perspectives in world mental health policies

Gender perspectives in world mental health policies Mental health problems are increasingly taking tolls on people’s lives, with one out of every four individuals in America living with Serious Psychological Disorder(SPD) i.e. combination of feelings of sadness, worthlessness, and restlessness adversely impacting  physical well-being. A study by the National Survey on Drug Use and Mental Health highlighted an increase of 18.1% for people living with some kind of mental illness.1From 2013-2017, there was an increase of 47% in depression diagnosis […]
February 2, 2019

Building the way for Feminist Foreign Policies

Building the way for Feminist Foreign Policies Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom pioneered the first feminist foreign policy in 2014, which expectedly followed mixed responses across the world, wide acclamations along with backlashes for the bold use of quite controversial word ‘feminist’. However, the policy which was formulated to stand against the systematic and global subordination of women has resulted impeccable impacts in the last four years. Whilst rest of the world is still reluctant to embrace the word ‘feminism’ […]
January 24, 2019

A brief overview of gender gaps in social protection, access to public services and sustainable infrastructure

The United Nations Commission of Status of Women (CSW) has declared the theme for its 63rd meeting in March 2019 as “Social Protection, access to public services and sustainable infrastructure and empowerment of women and girls.’’ Social Protection being the human right stipulated under Article 22 in Universal Declaration of Human Rights , is one of the global priorities relating directly to the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, Goal 1- Poverty Reduction. The inclusion of gender sensitivity and equality in Social […]