
January 24, 2020

Citizenship Amendment Act and women uprising in India

In the recent series of events of protests that have stirred up the whole India, one of the many things seen common is women and young students being the major symbol of protests. Since December, Indian university students and women have led massive protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) announced by Modi government for being biased towards Muslim communities. Hundreds and thousands of citizens have taken up street for peaceful protests, which have been responded with violence and force […]
January 9, 2020

Finland’s youngest female Social Democrat, Sanna Marin becomes Prime Minister

Finland has risen the bar for establishing gender equality and smashing gender stereotype to a whole new level by electing the country’s and the world’s youngest female Prime Minister in December 2019. Prime Minister Sanna Marin is a Finnish politician, a social democrat who has been a member of Parliament of Finland since 2015 and had served as Minister of Transport and Communications from June to December 2019. Following the retirement of her predecessor Antti Rinne, Marin at the age […]
November 24, 2019

Women in Middle East Uprisings

Middle East continues to up rise as the Lebanese and Iraqis protest against their own government for nearly a month now. Starting from October this year, citizens from both countries have taken on streets with massive protests against their respective government for being incompetent and failing to meet its citizens’ basic needs. Lebanon uprising: Ignited as a result of sheer corruption, incompetence and social injustice, the Lebanese have taken their protest against the sectarian political system to a new height […]
August 10, 2019

Importance of women on climate action

Climate change facts ● An estimated 4 million people die prematurely each year from household air pollution ● 18.8 million people were displaced because of climate related disasters in 2017 ● 2.9 billion people in the developing world still use polluting fuels like wood, coal, and charcoal ● Only 35% of environmental sector ministries have a gender focal point Impacts of climate change have been increasingly detrimental each year in every part of the world. As the last five years […]
July 29, 2019

In lens: FIFA Women’s World Cup 2019

The eighth edition of the FIFA Women’s World Cup, held in France from 7 June to 7 July, definitely won millions of hearts and eyes claiming a digital breakthrough this year. The USA was declared the winner with 2-0 against the Netherlands and secure the fourth title in eight tournaments. Previously, Germany has secured the title two times, where Japan and Norway have won one time each. 24 national teams participated in the tournament where 52 matches were played in […]
July 23, 2019

Beijing+25: Progress and challenges till date

The 1995 Beijing Conference will complete its 25th year in 2020. The Fourth World Conference on Women organized by the United Nations after the first in Mexico in 1975, the second in Copenhagen in 1980 and the third in Nairobi 1985, was a milestone for improving human rights for women and girls. In the conference, 189 UN member states unanimously adopted the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BFPA) as a global agenda for girls and women rights improvement. The […]
June 22, 2019

The symbol of resistance to racial segregation: Rosa Parks

Of many inspirational women from history, Rosa Parks is a renowned name in civil rights movements building. The African-American activist stood against racial segregation by sitting down. Sounds ironic, but that is the story of Rosa Louise McCauley Parks who was ‘tired of giving in” and refused to give her seat to a white male passenger while travelling in a bus. The moment was the first to be recorded in history as a start of civil rights movements. Born in […]
June 15, 2019

Challenges of Egyptian women judges

Many socio-cultural barriers and stereotypes have led women to suffer and get oppressed in many different forms in societies across the world. One of such cases is from Egypt, where despite various legal acts stating provisions of equal opportunities for men and women, women are banned for holding the position of judges in official courts. Article 186 of the State Council Law Regulation is the base of the General Assembly resolution issued on 15/2/2010 mentions about the rejection of appointment […]
June 10, 2019

For SAMA: A Mother’s journey through Syrian conflict

Syrian war and its ongoing trauma have wrenched the hearts of world through its news and photographs. Yet the power of a personalized story, reflecting a female life in transition from a student to married life and as a parent during the peak of war has touched the heart in whole another level. “For Sama” is the documentary shown in Special Screenings in Cannes film festival 2019, which has caught million hearts. The film tells the story of Waad-al-Kateab’s life […]
June 2, 2019

Women in Technology

When the first-ever black hole image was released earlier this year, the other thing that took people by surprise than the major breakthrough moment in the field of science was that it was made possible by a woman’s idea and effort.  Katherine L. Bouman, 30-year-old American computer scientist made possible the historical achievement through her consistent efforts since 2016 in creation of algorithms and tests of five petabytes of data for the Event Horizon Telescope Project. Naturally, there were mixed […]